All data are in degrees Celsius. Switch to Fahrenheit
Lipetsk, Russia
Lipetsk, Russia | ©

Current water temperature in the Voronezh River. Historical and statistical data. Forecast of changes in water temperature in the Voronezh River.

Current water temperature in the Voronezh River


At the moment on the beaches in the Voronezh River the water temperature is very low and not suitable for swimming.

Voronezh River: countries

We track and show sea surface temperature in the following countries and regions related to this sea:

The most popular resorts in the Voronezh River over the past week

Voronezh River: water temperature data

Bathing comfort is also affected by air temperature, wind or precipitation. All this data you can see on the page of each location. To do this, you can use the search or view all locations in a region, country, state or coastline of a particular part of Earth.

Voronezh, Russia
Voronezh, Russia | ©

The warmest water in the Voronezh River was recorded today in Voronezh. The water temperature in this location is 50°F. And the coldest in Matyr reservoir, its value 46°F.

The water temperature in the Voronezh River has risen both over the past week and over the month. The general trend can be seen on the graph. It shows the change in the average water temperature, calculated at all points in the Voronezh River over the past two months.

Indicators of changes in water temperature values throughout the year are important. For the two most popular swimming location in the Voronezh River, the annual schedules look like this:

Voronezh River: general information

Matyr reservoir, Russia
Matyr reservoir, Russia | © Игорь Черпаков

River Voronezh with a length of about 340 kilometers flows through the territory of the Tambov, Lipetsk and Voronezh regions. The width of this flat river varies from 20 to 30 meters in different sections. Voronezh begins from the confluence of Lesnoy and Polny Voronezh near the village of Novonikolskoye, Michurinsky District, Tambov Region. Further, the river flows for about 60 km to the northwest, then, about 5 km below the confluence of the Stanovaya Ryasa river, it turns sharply from north to south with a slight deviation to the southwest. The right bank is high and steep, the left bank is gentle. There are many oxbow lakes in the river floodplain. The largest are Andreevskoe, Gat, Long, Dolgoe, Karasevo, Lebyazhye, Ostabnoe, Matyra, Yablochnoye and Spasskoye. There are two large regional centers of the Chernozem region on the Voronezh River: Lipetsk and Voronezh. The city of Michurinsk is located on the Lesnoy Voronezh River, which makes up the Voronezh River.

Below is information about the current water temperature, the current trend of its change, information about the weather in selected locations in the Voronezh River.

Matyr reservoir46°F52°F

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