All data are in degrees Celsius. Switch to Fahrenheit
Le Grazie, Italy
Le Grazie, Italy | © Sébastien Uson

Current water temperature in the Ligurian Sea. Historical and statistical data. Forecast of changes in water temperature in the Ligurian Sea.

Current water temperature in Ligurian Sea


At the moment on the beaches in Ligurian Sea the water temperature is on the verge of comfort. There are locations with cool water and there are more or less comfortable ones.

Ligurian Sea: countries

We track and show sea surface temperature in the following countries and regions related to this sea:

Ligurian Sea: water temperature data

Bathing comfort is also affected by air temperature, wind or precipitation. All this data you can see on the page of each location. To do this, you can use the search or view all locations in a region, country, state or coastline of a particular part of Earth.

Pietra Ligure, Italy
Pietra Ligure, Italy | © A X

The warmest water in Ligurian Sea was recorded today in Deiva Marina. The water temperature in this location is 64°F. And the coldest in Andora, its value 61°F.

The water temperature in Ligurian Sea has risen both over the past week and over the month. The general trend can be seen on the graph. It shows the change in the average water temperature, calculated at all points in Ligurian Sea over the past two months.

Indicators of changes in water temperature values throughout the year are important. For the two most popular swimming location in Ligurian Sea, the annual schedules look like this:

Ligurian Sea: general information

Tellaro, Italy
Tellaro, Italy | © Fiorella Braga

The Ligurian Sea is a part of the Mediterranean Sea between the island of Corsica and Liguria (the coast of Italy). Washes the territory of France, Monaco and Italy.

The Ligurian Sea is located in the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea and stretches from the Ligurian and Tuscan coasts in the north and east to the French island of Corsica in the south. The Gulf of Genoa is located in the north of the Ligurian Sea. In the southeast, through the Tuscan archipelago, it borders the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is also part of the Mediterranean Sea.

The tides are semi-daily, their value is 0.3 m. The water temperature is from +13 ° C in winter - to +23.5 ° C in summer. Salinity is about 38 ‰.

Closed by the Alps and Apennines from the cold northerly winds, Liguria is known for its mild climate. During the entire summer tourist season (from May to October), the air temperature ranges from +22 ... + 28 ° С.

Below is information about the current water temperature, the current trend of its change, information about the weather in selected locations in Ligurian Sea.

Cinque Terre63°F52°F
San Remo62°F52°F
La Spezia64°F52°F
Monterosso Al Mare63°F52°F
Finale Ligure62°F48°F
Sestri Levante63°F46°F
Santa Margherita Ligure63°F46°F
Diano Marina62°F52°F

Find out the temperature of sea water in more than 12000 cities and resorts around the world. Water surface temperature values are available in real time. There is a forecast of water temperature changes for the next few days, as well as historical data of sea surface temperature are available for all days of the last years.

We use data from various sources, including National Centers for Environmental Information (NOAA), meteorological services of different countries, data received from more than a thousand buoys around the world, satellite systems for scanning the surface of the oceans and seas.

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