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East-Siberian Sea

Pevek, Russia

Pevek, Russia © Cross Channel

East-Siberian Sea Water Temperature: Current & Historical Data for Coastal Resorts

We find every spot where you can swim and tell you what the water temperature is there today and throughout the year

Current water temperature







Graph of Water Temperature Changes in the East-Siberian Sea Over the Last 60 Days

Water temperature in the East-Siberian Sea by month


What is known about the East-Siberian Sea?

Pevek, RussiaPevek, Russia ©

The East Siberian Sea, located in the Arctic region of Russia, is part of the Arctic Ocean and is characterized by extremely cold waters year-round. In winter, temperatures along the coast typically drop to 28–32°F (-2 to 0°C), with large areas of the sea frozen and covered by sea ice. During the summer months, from June to August, the surface temperature can rise slightly, reaching around 32–37°F (0–3°C), but it remains cold and barely above freezing. Even in the warmest months, the water is still too chilly for comfortable swimming without specialized equipment.

Swimming in the East Siberian Sea is generally not recommended for most people due to the harsh, cold conditions. The water is only suitable for experienced cold-water swimmers, and even they would need to take great precautions to avoid hypothermia. The sea is more frequently explored for scientific research and Arctic expeditions rather than recreational activities. While its remote beauty and the surrounding ice-covered landscapes attract adventurers and researchers, the East Siberian Sea is not a destination for casual swimming or water activities. The cold temperatures and harsh conditions make it a challenging and inhospitable environment for most forms of recreational water use.

List of Countries Bordering the East-Siberian Sea

Popular Resorts of the East-Siberian Sea with the Warmest Water Today

Popular Resorts on the East-Siberian Sea Coast

Pevek, Russia

Pevek, Russia © Руслан Зыренков

Nearest Seas and Oceans

Frequently Asked Questions About the East-Siberian Sea

What is the water temperature in the East-Siberian Sea right now?

The water temperature in the East-Siberian Sea today ranges from 30°F (-1°C) in Pevek (Russia) to 30°F (-1°C) in Pevek (Russia).

Is it possible to swim in the East-Siberian Sea?

Swimming in the East-Siberian Sea is not feasible for most people due to its frigid temperatures, especially during the colder months.

In which month does the East-Siberian Sea have the highest and lowest water temperatures?

The highest water temperature in the East-Siberian Sea occurs in September, reaching 45°F (7°C), while the lowest is in July, dropping to 27°F (-3°C).

Is the East-Siberian Sea colder than the Chukchi Sea?

Yes, the East-Siberian Sea is slightly colder than the Chukchi Sea, as its average annual water temperature is 32°F (0°C), while the Chukchi Sea's is 36°F (2°C).

Which countries are washed by the East-Siberian Sea?

The East-Siberian Sea washes Russia.

Do you have any extended or additional information about the East-Siberian Sea?

The East Siberian Sea is the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, located between the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island.

The sea connects with the straits with the Chukchi Sea and the Laptev Sea. It connects with the Laptev Sea through the Sannikov, Eterikan and Dmitry Laptev straits. It connects with the Chukchi Sea through the Long Strait. The sea area is about 940 thousand sq. Km. This sea is completely located on the shelf, as a result of which its bottom is a plain, gradually lowering to the north. The depth is shallow and averages about 55 m. The shores are indented by bays (Kolyma Bay, Omulakhskaya and Chaunskaya bays). The western coast of the mainland is gentle, the eastern one is mountainous with cliffs. The few islands form groups: New Siberian Islands, Medvezhy, Shalaurov Islands. Some islands are crumbling as they are made entirely of sand and ice. Rivers flowing into the sea: Indigirka, Lapcha, Khroma, Kolyma, Alazeya, etc.

The climate is arctic, influenced by the air masses of two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic. In winter, southwestern and southern winds blow, carrying cold air from Siberia, so the average temperature in winter is -30 degrees Celsius.

Do you have a few more photos of the the East-Siberian Sea?

Pevek, Russia

Pevek, Russia © Руслан Зыренков

Pevek, Russia

Pevek, Russia © Cross Channel

Pevek, Russia

Pevek, Russia © Руслан Зыренков