Can I swim in Cala Agulla in August? All information about water temperature in Balearic Sea in August. Historical data, comparison and analysis.
Analysis of historical data on water temperature in Cala Agulla in August
Average temperature in Balearic Sea in Cala Agulla in August is 80°F. It is very warm and comfortable water for long bathing in any body of water. It is believed that these are the ideal conditions under which one can be without the slightest discomfort. But it is worth remembering that at such a water temperature, various disease-causing organisms multiply very quickly.
Minimum water temperature in Cala Agulla in August is 73°F, maximum - 84°F. In recent years, at the beginning of the month, the temperature value here is at around 81°F, and by the end of the month the water warms up to 80°F.
Average water temperature in the first decade is 80°F, in the middle of the month - 79°F, and at the end - 81°F.
Table of water temperature values in Cala Agulla in August in recent years
Day | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
1 | 80°F | 78°F | 80°F | 82°F |
2 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 78°F |
3 | 80°F | 80°F | 80°F | 82°F |
4 | 82°F | 77°F | 80°F | 82°F |
5 | 82°F | 78°F | 78°F | 82°F |
6 | 82°F | 78°F | 78°F | 78°F |
7 | 82°F | 78°F | 78°F | 78°F |
8 | 80°F | 78°F | 80°F | 80°F |
9 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 80°F |
10 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 82°F |
11 | 80°F | 78°F | 78°F | 78°F |
12 | 78°F | 78°F | 80°F | 80°F |
13 | 78°F | 78°F | 78°F | 82°F |
14 | 78°F | 75°F | 80°F | 80°F |
15 | 78°F | 75°F | 78°F | 82°F |
16 | 80°F | 78°F | 80°F | 84°F |
17 | 80°F | 78°F | 80°F | 84°F |
18 | 78°F | 75°F | 80°F | 82°F |
19 | 80°F | 75°F | 82°F | 78°F |
20 | 80°F | 77°F | 82°F | 78°F |
21 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 82°F |
22 | 82°F | 80°F | 80°F | 78°F |
23 | 82°F | 82°F | 80°F | 82°F |
24 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 82°F |
25 | 84°F | 80°F | 82°F | 80°F |
26 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 78°F |
27 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 82°F |
28 | 82°F | 80°F | 80°F | 84°F |
29 | 82°F | 78°F | 82°F | 80°F |
30 | 82°F | 78°F | 80°F | 80°F |
31 | 80°F | 78°F | 80°F | 82°F |
Water temperature in neighboring resorts
Details of the water temperature today in Cala Agulla and forecast for the next week, see the link: