The most detailed information about the water temperature in Mahdia in Mediterranean Sea (Tunisia). Forecast of changes in water temperature for the next 10 days. Statistics by months for recent years. Information about the neighboring resorts. Weather forecast in Mahdia for a week.
Water temperature in Mahdia right now
data updated 9 minutes ago70°F
yesterday: 69°F
a week ago: 71°F
Trend: slow drop
Today water temperature in Mahdia is 70.3°F. This water is cool and invigorating, but for many people it is already comfortable enough for swimming. In general, this temperature is considered normal, but if your circulation is impaired, the water may still feel cool. In any case, the general weather is also important. So, the air temperature at the same time will reach 64°F.
Analysis and forecast
The water temperature today is slightly higher than the average on this day in recent years. Its value has rise over the last week, but has drop compared to 20 days ago. Exactly a year ago, on this day, the water temperature in this location was 68°F. Water temperature range in Mahdia In December is from 60 to 69 degrees.
According to our forecast, in the coming days, the water temperature value in Mahdia will slightly drop and in 10 days it will be 67°F.
Table of water temperature values in Mahdia
Day | Fact* | Average** | Forecast*** |
Nov 29 | 21.3°C | 20.8°C | |
Nov 30 | 20.9°C | 20.3°C | |
Dec 1 | 20.8°C | 20.3°C | |
Dec 2 | 21.1°C | 20.3°C | |
Dec 3 | 21.4°C | 20.0°C | |
Dec 4 | 21.2°C | 20.3°C | |
Dec 5 | 20.7°C | 19.8°C | |
Dec 6 | 21.3°C | 19.3°C | |
Dec 7 | 19.3°C | 21.0°C | |
Dec 8 | 19.3°C | 21.0°C | |
Dec 9 | 19.0°C | 21.0°C | |
Dec 10 | 19.0°C | 21.0°C | |
Dec 11 | 19.3°C | 21.0°C | |
Dec 12 | 18.8°C | 20.7°C | |
Dec 13 | 18.0°C | 19.9°C |
** Average - Average water temperature on this day in past years
*** Forecast - Our forecast for the water temperature
Actual nearshore temperatures may vary by several degrees from the indicated values. This is noticeable after heavy rain or after prolonged periods of strong winds. Some downstream winds cause cold, deep waters to replace surface waters that have been warmed by the sun.
To develop a forecast, we use our own mathematical model, which takes into account the current change in water temperature, historical data and the main weather trends, wind strength and direction, air temperature in each specific region. We also take into account data for other resorts in Tunisia.
Annual graph of average water temperature change in Mahdia
Water temperature in Mahdia by month
Mahdia located in the northern hemisphere, at latitude 35 degrees. The comfortable water temperature for swimming is set here in May, almost always only at the end of the month. During a year in Mahdia there are 183 days of swimming. In general, the swimming season ends In November. Average annual water temperature on the coast in Mahdia is 69°F, by the seasons: in winter 61°F, in spring 62°F, in summer 77°F, in autumn 75°F. Minimum water temperature (57°F) in Mahdia it happens in February, maximum (82°F) in August.
You can find out detailed data on how the water temperature in Mahdia changes in each specific month:
Mahdia: general information and map
Neighboring cities and resorts
City | Water* | Distance** |
As Sayyadah | 69°C | 24km |
Monastir | 69°C | 37km |
Skanes | 69°C | 42km |
Sousse | 70°C | 52km |
Port El Kantaoui | 70°C | 60km |
Sfax | 68°C | 90km |
** Straight line distance in kilometers
The warmest water today in Tunisia recorded in Sousse, its value is 70°F. Lowest - in Tabarka, there water temperature now 67°F. Average water temperature in the country today - 69°F.
Water temperature data in Mahdia and neighboring towns and resorts collected from various sources, using buoys, using satellite maps of sea, river and lake surfaces of the NOAA agency.
We use data from various local authorities in each specific location of the world to more accurately reflect temperature values.
The nearest airport is located in a 39 kilometers. This is Monastir Habib Bourguiba International (MIR) airport. We have no information as to whether it is valid and what flights it receives or sends.
Mahdia: weather forecast
The weather forecast is shown in local time in Mahdia
humidity: 61%, clouds: 37%
humidity: 64%, clouds: 45%
humidity: 69%, clouds: 60%
humidity: 80%, clouds: 99%
humidity: 78%, clouds: 94%
humidity: 61%, clouds: 46%
humidity: 49%, clouds: 44%
humidity: 53%, clouds: 89%
humidity: 66%, clouds: 67%
humidity: 73%, clouds: 8%
humidity: 70%, clouds: 15%
humidity: 57%, clouds: 43%
humidity: 52%, clouds: 71%
humidity: 55%, clouds: 5%
humidity: 39%, clouds: 14%
humidity: 39%, clouds: 46%
humidity: 57%, clouds: 28%
humidity: 60%, clouds: 17%
humidity: 52%, clouds: 59%
humidity: 47%, clouds: 99%
humidity: 54%, clouds: 70%
humidity: 44%, clouds: 4%
humidity: 38%, clouds: 2%
humidity: 36%, clouds: 1%
humidity: 42%, clouds: 4%
humidity: 46%, clouds: 4%
humidity: 48%, clouds: 2%
humidity: 47%, clouds: 0%
humidity: 50%, clouds: 0%
humidity: 43%, clouds: 0%
humidity: 32%, clouds: 0%
humidity: 31%, clouds: 0%
humidity: 40%, clouds: 0%
humidity: 42%, clouds: 35%
humidity: 47%, clouds: 66%
humidity: 47%, clouds: 52%
humidity: 50%, clouds: 49%
humidity: 43%, clouds: 85%
humidity: 46%, clouds: 92%
humidity: 50%, clouds: 89%