Current water temperature on the Algeria coast. Forecast of changes in water temperature. Historical data.
Water temperature in Algeria today
Most popular locations in Algeria over the past week
Conditions of sea water on beaches in Algeria
Now in the beaches in Algeria, the water temperature ranges from cool to comfortable and warm.
The water temperature in Algeria tends to decrease, its value has decreased both over the last 10 days and over the month.
Today the warmest water in Algeria is recorded in Annaba. Its value in this location is 75°F. And the coldest one is in Mostaganem, its value 69°F.
The trend can be seen on the graph. It shows the change in average sea surface temperature over the past two months.
For the two most popular locations for swimming in Algeria, the graphs of changes in the average water temperature throughout the year are as follows:
We process, analyze and store data for every beach and city in Algeria. Below is a table with current weather data and trends in some places of the country.
City | Water | Air | ||
Algiers | 71°F | 84°F | ||
Oran | 70°F | 76°F | ||
Tipasa | 72°F | 80°F | ||
Bejaia | 72°F | 86°F | ||
Annaba | 75°F | 83°F | ||
Mostaganem | 69°F | 81°F | ||
Skikda | 74°F | 87°F | ||
Ain El Turk | 70°F | 76°F | ||
Beni Saf | 70°F | 84°F | ||
Mers El Kebir | 70°F | 76°F | ||
Jijel | 73°F | 91°F | ||
Boumerdas | 72°F | 84°F | ||
Dellys | 72°F | 82°F | ||
Bordj El Kiffan | 72°F | 84°F | ||
Bab Ezzouar | 72°F | 84°F |
Climate in Algeria
Algeria is located in Africa. The country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Algeria - has a fairly long coastline. To determine the temperature of the water in it, we track 15 settlements and resorts.
The climate of Algeria in the northern part is subtropical. Here, the average annual temperature is +16 o C. The average January temperature is + 5-12 o C, July - 25 o C, rainfall up to 1200 mm. in the mountains and 200-400 mm. on the plains. The central and southern parts of the country, with a tropical climate, are occupied by the Sahara desert, where daily average temperature fluctuations reach +30 o C, and precipitation is less than 50 mm. in year. Dust storms and dry winds from desert areas are frequent.
Algeria: regions
Algeria: oceans and seas
We monitor the following oceans and seas that wash the country. Just go to the page for a specific reservoir and see the temperature in all settlements on the coast.